Our Fri, Sat weekend

>> 18 Oct 2008

Hi all, Just a quick posting to say we've had a great weekend!

Friday we had to stay in in the morning because the men were coming to fit our Air Conditioning (much needed as its been soo hot!). In the afternoon we went to meet with the Christadelphians. There were about 18 people in the service and it was led in Bangla.

Everyone was really friendly and most spoke good english.

Today (Saturday), Jo took us to a local shopping area called road 27. We found some good book shops with english books and even a place I could buy a guitar from (lucky Nicola ;) We stopped for lunch at a Pizza hut type place which was really yummy!

Getting a lot more used to the Rickshaws now and they;re great fun for moving around in (although a bit scary and warm at times!) Traffic is always bad but kind of works. Generally if theres a gap in the road some type of transportation will be filling it shortly. It's everyman for himself and everyone seems to have right of way! Look at our 2 new videos (on left) for more of an idea!

Anyway, the postings may get a bit less frequent as things start to become more 'normal' to us but hopefully we'll take it in turns to update every few days.

Its kin dof odd but we're both really looking forward to going to work tomorrow....

Over and Out!!


Sam C 19 October 2008 at 17:38  

Oh my word, how do you not die horridly every time you get into one of those things! Glad I'm never going to drive over there...!

Neil 20 October 2008 at 23:56  

Kammon achen, amar bhaye?
Just found your blog and had a quick look to catch up with your news! Sorry we missed your birthday Nic, I bet you'll remember that one! Looks like you're settling in now, it'll all feel a lot better when you've got the AC working - that's one move you won't regret! The streetscene videos just bring it all back - looks just the same as I remember it! Does the BAGHA still use those little tickets with the numbers all round the edge? I should have given you my last one to finish off! Are you still using your old email addresses, or do you have new ones out there? Let me know. Hope Andy's over the Delhi Belly, (did I mention "Don't drink the milk"? - Anyway, don't drink the milk....). Stick to Coke - it might rot your teeth but it kills most of the bugs fairly well. Anyway, take care and keep the blogs going, it's great to hear how you're getting on!

