Fundraising Update
>> 26 Aug 2008
Hi Everyone,
With the help of family and friends Nic, Tim, Pete, Jess and I managed to complete our 24hr Triathlon and start raising some money for Bangladesh.
The sponsored event went really well although we've since discovered that apparently we had the Cross-Trainer on the hardest level! (oh well!!). So this week we all feel a bit tired but quite fit!
We're looking forward to our Barn Dance now on Sept 6th (Tickets still available!) and Westleigh's Annual Fun Day in between! (3oth August - so come on down for Bouncy Castle, BBQ, stalls and games!)
Thanks to everyone for their sponsorship and a BIG thankyou to all thos who came down to church to cheer us on!
Love to you all,
Andy ( and the Triathlon Team!)