Nic's Bangladesh Birthday

>> 11 Oct 2008

Well this is the first time ever Nic has spent her birthday in a foreign country (I could get used to it...!)

The day started with some cards that Andy had brought from a few friends and family and one or two pressies, which was lovely.

We then went to church in the morning and met some lovely people. Nic had the privilege of having her first Bangladeshi toilet experience - not as bad as first expected but think I'll stick to Western loos where possible.

After church we went back to someone's house for lunch, which was really yummy. A full on curry, eaten with the right hand of course!

In the afternoon we popped to the shops and then had our first rickshaw ride back to the flat - quite exciting in and amongst all the traffic. Although they're not really designed for 6'3". Not much room for Andy on the 'ickle Rickshaw.

After another church session in the afternoon we went to the ex pat club for a bit of dinner. We were very pleasantly surprised to see an English menu with everything on it from Fish and Chips to Jacket spud - who'd have thought?!!

Then after a tour round the lovely facilities at the club we came back to the flat for a DVD and then off to bed ready to start a new exciting day where we move into our new flat.

Anyway check out the pics if you haven't already done so ....


Crowes 13 October 2008 at 14:51  

Glad to know you're both enjoying yourselves. Look forward to reading more of your news in due course. Take care. LioL The Crowes