Nicola's Turn.....

>> 24 Oct 2008

Hey everyone, hope your all ok? Thanks for your comments on our blog postings! Its nice to hear from you...

You'll be pleased to know that Andy's health has returned but Nicola has been discovering some of the harsh realities of Bangladesh!

She came down with some belly problems of her own and managed to go one better than Andy by doing a bit of sick too. She was pretty ill on Wednesday so didn't go to work and had Andy home by lunchtime to look after her. The major concern was making sure she kept hydrated. Fortunately a book we had (kindly given to us by the medic in our family) mentioned the idea of drinking in sips rather than gulps. This method seemed to help her and she stopped being sick in the afternoon but continued to be unwell till lunchtime on Thursday!

So now we know to sip our drinks when we're ill and to use the Saline hydration packs that are easily available here or add some salt to a glass of flat coke or lemonade (Nicola's preferred treatment).

So Nicola has been out of action for the past few days. Andy has been working hard in the office trying to create some Bamboo products and learning some basic hand skills for shaping the wood - most involving using a big machete type knife (pictures to follow soon!!). We're working on some tray and towel rack designs at the moment. Its great fun working with and learning skills and language from the locals in the office.

Today (Friday) we helped to entertain a guy who's visiting Bangladesh for 36 hrs. He's here visiting Oasis and works for a Christian movement in the UK called 'Faithworks' (a movement designed to help churches interact and serve their communities). We had lunch with him at the Bagha club (western food available - yippee!!) before hearing him speak at the International Church.

Afterwards we all went out for a meal in a really nice Indian Restaurant which was very tasty and hopefully not too difficult for our tender English stomachs to cope with!

Tomorrow we're off to practice the British Skit for an international evening we're attending. We're waiting at Bus Stops and Barn Dancing to show a typical British lifestyle! (guess who's calling!!)

Andy and Nic x


Ian Hawkins 27 October 2008 at 12:44  

Praying that you are both clear of those belly problems and far too busy and enjoying your work far too much to post any more blog for now. Love Ian.

Laura F 27 October 2008 at 20:49  

Heya nic n andy

I hope both of your poorly belly's go away soon. :(

Luv Laura Fitch xxxxx

Ps- andy, don't bite your nails :)